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HR Technology Guest Post Article Submission Guidelines:

We warmly welcome passionate individuals with expertise in Human Resources Technology (HR Tech) and related fields to contribute original articles. Explore the latest trends, advancements, and best practices within the HR Tech industry by following these submission guidelines:

Topics of Interest in HRTech:

  1. Latest news, trends, and advancements in HR Technology
  2. Market trends in HR Analytics, Talent Acquisition Technology, Employee Engagement Software, Performance Management Systems, Learning and Development Tools, HRIS, Workforce Management, Diversity and Inclusion Tech, and Emerging Technologies in HR
  3. Best practices, challenges, and how-tos in the realm of HR Tech
  4. Creative approaches to HR technology implementation
  5. Data-driven insights and strategies in human resources

Submission Requirements in HR Management:

  1. Original and unique content, not previously published
  2. Provide supporting data where necessary
  3. Include proper references and linkbacks
  4. Article length should be over 800 words
  5. Submissions in HTML or Word format
  6. Images with a width not exceeding 1200px

Author Information:

Include a short introduction along with the following details:

  • Company designation
  • Location
  • Links to websites or blogs
  • Social media profiles (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)

Please note that we reserve the right to edit or remove articles at our discretion. If you have any questions about the submission process, feel free to contact us.

Submission Contact:

For queries and suggestions, please send an email to ross@hrtechtrend.com.

We eagerly await your articles in English. Thank you for contributing to the HR Technology discourse!]